Community Centre

As printed in the Bracebridge Examiner 1979
(Post humously by her request.)

Part 15
Essiac attacks cancer from the inside.

Cancer is a glandular disease.
Essiac is a Drug which supplies a deficiency of a secretion ordinarily supplied to the human body by a gland (of undiscovered origin) which we will call "Gland XOX".
This gland should supply the body with a secretion which is resistant to cancer tissue.
The lack of this secretion allows the malignant cells to prey upon and invade the healthy cells and take control of the human body, growing and multiplying until the invasion of the malignant cells into the vital organs takes place, stopping the functioning of these organs and causing death.

This deficiency cannot be supplied from the "outside", it must be supplied through the blood stream and "ESSIAC", given orally or injected hypodermically supplies this resistive element.
Then the XOX gland starts functioning normally, secreting into the living cells the substance required to resist the onslaught of the malignant cells and thus restores health to the human body. If this was not the case, patients would have to take Essiac for the rest of their lives as they do with insulin for Diabetes.

Essiac given to people in health is helpful in the fact that it is a blood purifier and will stimulate the XOX gland to do its work before there is any chance of the malignant cells invading the body.

Medical science has tried all of the unnatural means at its disposal to combat this Dread disease with little or no results - nature has supplied the need (with Essiac), to combat the disease. One just has to look at a dirty roadside in the spring and see how nature covers it up with beautiful greens and flowers, to know that nature supplies everything to make life beautiful and healthy. If nature will do this for a dirty roadside, is it not natural to think that it will also supply the things necessary to make the body (made in the image and likeness of God), healthy and happy?

" Essiac" has been helping sufferers of malignant diseases for over twenty-five years, healing and sometimes curing (when given before the vital organs are destroyed). If nature has supplied, for the use of the medical world, this means of combating the most Dread disease known to mankind, why not use Essiac and reduce the mortality of the human race?

" Essiac" is a beneficial treatment for cancer. It attacks the disease from the "inside". It sets up a resistance and cuts off the supply of the substance in the human body upon which the malignant cells thrive and multiply, causing the malignant cells to regress within themselves and giving to the healthy cells, strength to rebuild themselves. Medical science calls these malignant cells dead cells. They are more alive and aggressive than any cells in the human body.

Although not admitted by medical science, cancer is, in my opinion, both contagious and hereditary in some cases. The rapid spread of this Dread disease could not be caused by any other means. Some people are born with a pre-disposition to cancer with a non-functioning XOX gland and the slightest bruise or destruction of cells (either by pressure or constant irritation) will cause the disease to become active.

Other people born with gland XOX functioning normally (without this pre-disposition to cancer) can be bruised and cells destroyed and they do not develop the disease. This is why I believe there is a gland to supply us with the secretion to resist the malignant cells and it is active in some people and not in others. This gland has not been discovered by medical science as yet, but when it is, the cause of cancer will be known.

In the meantime, Essiac as used, supplies the body with the resistance required to prolong life, relieve pain, and to cure (if taken before malignant cells have invaded and destroyed the vital organs).
It renews the normal functioning of gland XOX.

Ulcers are very often a forerunner of cancer, which can and are being cured by Essiac. It acts on all the glands in the human body, restoring them to health and activity.
It gives the patient a new mental outlook - a happy, healthy outlook, which the disease had taken away.
