Community Centre

As printed in the Bracebridge Examiner 1979
(Post humously by her request.)

Part 9
Essiac the subject of unfair hearing.

The inquest mentioned last week into the death of Mrs Gilrouth was conducted by Dr S. Lawson of the Attorney General's department and Dr E G Ellis, Coroner of Bracebridge Prof. Robinson, Prof. of Pathology at the University of Toronto (one of the most distinguished pathologists on the continent), and Dr Edgar Frankish, the Medical Legal Expert of the Attorney General's department, made the post-mortem examination on Mrs Gilrouth. Professor Robinson said that Dr Frankish had taken certain of the organs to Toronto to study. The cause of death, Dr Frankish said, was a large circular embolism in the pulmonary artery. The cause of death in his report was - "Pulmonary Embolism". Professor Robinson said that in one of the clots he found two fibrous tissue cells and he knew that the clots were not new.

"In any event," he said, "there would have been no time between the ' Essiac' injection and death, for such a clot to form."

He agreed with Dr Frankish that death was due to a pulmonary embolism. I have asked myself many times why they subjected me to this trial. Was it to afford publicity that would make the patients and public less confident in the efficacy of " Essiac" as a beneficial treatment for cancer? If it was, it failed its purpose, because more and more patients came for treatment after the trial, than had been coming before, and more doctors visited my clinic to see for themselves what was going on.

It seems so many years ago that I was a young nurse full of enthusiasm for my work and love and respect for the profession I had chosen, and full of love and respect for the doctors I had worked with. Doctors in that day were doctors, dedicated men. Their oath meant something to them. Their lives were dedicated to the healing of the sick, the helping of suffering humanity in every way possible. It was a privilege to be called to the bedside of the sick who needed them. There are still such doctors today, but they are servile to the "powers that be", and cannot do as they would wish to do. I found this out when I tried to prove the merits of " Essiac - Herbal Treatment for Cancer", independent of the Cancer Society.  

After trying for over twenty-five years and presenting every possible type of proof demanded to have my discovery of " Essiac" accepted by the medical profession,

It is my opinion that cancer is a closed book, because if any cancer cure was discovered and accepted, it would revolutionise the whole present day method of treatments. It would do away with radium, deep x-ray and to some extent - surgery, as treatments of cancer. It would also lose for the Cancer Organisation, control of the millions of dollars freely given by our government and the public In the hope of finding a cure for this Dread disease.

It is also my opinion that this Organisation has powers beyond and not subject to our common laws. They have their own police and their own Courts of Law, where they hear and report upon everything presented as a cure or beneficial treatment for cancer. All these hearings are held "in camera" and their report is accepted. The discoverer of the treatment has no comeback. I speak with authority, because I was subjected to such a hearing at such a loss, as this summary tells of my hearing before the Ontario Cancer Control Board in 1938:


The cases have been numbered for convenience and in the following analysis, the forty-nine cases are referred to by number only: 

Diagnosis By Biopsy
Recoveries attributable to radiation:


Recoveries attributable to surgery:


Recoveries attributable to Essiac:


Recoveries attributable to radiation plus Essiac:


Improvement claimed from Essiac:


Diagnosis based on X-ray
No CANCER Treatment RESULT Comment
#10 STOMACH Essiac only RECOVERY   X-ray April 1937:  large growth at the outlet of the stomach too extensive for removal
  X-ray  September - no sign of growth or scarring. 

  X-ray October - very marked improvement over those taken in April. 
  The first and last sets were done in the same lab. It is believed the original reports were contradictory - an extensive cancer in or about the stomach could not disappear without leaving a scar and this should be detected by x-ray.
#12 STOMACH Essiac only RECOVERY X-ray report : "Probable suspicion of cancer." 
#16 STOMACH Essiac only . X-Ray "Growth". :After some treatment, says "he passed it" (4' long, 3/4" wide).
#18 RECTUM Essiac only RECOVERY X-ray report :"none of the usual symptoms of cancer of the rectum.
#30 COLON Essiac only IMPROVEMENT X-ray: "Diagnosis not positive."
#36 BOWEL Essiac only RECOVERY .
#41 COLON Essiac only LUMP SMALLER .
#46 RECTUM Essiac only RECOVERY X-ray: "discharge of pus from rectum after first treatment.  Wrong diagnosis.
#48 RECTUM Essiac only . After some treatment something broke. Large discharge of pus with immediate relief. Wrong diagnosis. 
Diagnosis wrong . #16, #46, #48
Diagnosis questionable. #10, #18
Diagnosis not positive.

#12, #30.

Diagnosis accepted. #29, #36,# 41
Recovery attributed to Essiac: 1
Improvement claimed from Essiac:  2
