Community Centre

As printed in the Bracebridge Examiner 1979
(Post humously by her request.)

Part 2
Cancer is Heredity in some cases.

I have been asked many times why I did not write the story of my battle, over the past thirty years, with the "Powers that Be" in the Medical world over my " Essiac Treatment for Cancer. " One reason is that the "Cancer Control Society" in my opinion is the richest and most powerful organisation in the world. More powerful than any government, and are answerable to no law of any country. They have their own Police, they set up their own courts of law to deal with any one who is daring enough to have the courage of his convictions, and tries to evolve anything that is beneficial in the treatment of Cancer, which is in my opinion their monopoly.

I believe that they also control the Press, at any rate it is not healthy for any paper to print anything favourable about a "Cure for Cancer." You know that when a cure for cancer is accepted, it will revolutionise the present day method of Treatment, and you may be sure the Cancer Control Commission will never allow that to happen. They would also lose control of all the moneys given them so freely for Cancer Research. This in my opinion they will never allow to happen, even though they have had so much money for research, they have not in fifty years been able to offer the world even a hope of a real cure for this most Dreaded of diseases.

Statistics show that in the four years of the last war, the United States of America lost approximately 284,000 men and in the same four years, the USA lost approximately 672,000 of their population from Cancer.

Still, nobody did a thing about it, but give, and give, and give more money to the Cancer Society. Any other effort that took this long to develop something at least promising, would be considered not worth supporting. But the public are only told what the Cancer Society wants them to be told, and the gullible public accept anything they are told.

Radiation causes Cancer, and this is the only thing the medical world has to offer as a beneficial treatment for Cancer. It is my opinion that it might destroy a growth, but it eventually kills the patient. Two gentlemen came to Canada from New York to find out first hand about my work on Cancer patients. I told them all I could about it, but they wanted to talk to the doctors and get their opinions but were politely told "that it was not healthy for any doctor to talk about or know anything in favour of Essiac Treatment." Though they had all in past years given diagnoses to patients coming to see me for " Essiac Treatments " for Cancer, and had seen these patients recover, but they dare not express a favourable opinion of the treatment, even though they have seen these same patients living and well for many years after they had been given at most, a few months to live. Rather than admit that " Essiac" was beneficial, they would admit to making mistaken diagnoses.

The Cancer Society demanded pathological diagnoses, and when I presented patients cured, who had the report of Cancer from our Government Pathologist, the head doctor of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr Noble got up and said before the Cancer Commission (that even the pathologist could be wrong) and, he was speaking of their own pathologist.

Then every once in a while, I would have the Medical Policeman visit me and threaten me with arrest, if I continued to treat Cancer patients, so I decided to give up the work that was doing so much for suffering humanity. One person cannot fight this kind of opposition. I was and am sincere in wanting to help Cancer sufferers, and I did just that, for over forty-five years. People still write, phone or come to my home begging for the treatment, because they know someone that I cured years ago, who is still living and well, but I have to turn them away or be taken into court and if I give the medication out for self-administration, there is a seven year penitentiary sentence facing anyone who gives out anything to help a Cancer patient. So it is my opinion that the Cancer Control Commission will continue to take the public's and our government's monies, but will never admit a cure for Cancer.

In spite of everything that has been said to the contrary, I have always been, and am still willing to turn over my formulae to the medical association any time that they will assure me that it will be used to help suffering humanity, and that it will not be shelved in favour of present day methods of treatments; after the hearing of my case before the Cancer Commission of Ontario, they know that it has merit.
